It is almost a year since we started the Dufault house project, I still remember June 2022 when we used to come to pack books, repair and paint walls with the illusion of seeing a house ready to receive new young people with vocational interest. The maintenance and remodeling work continues, it seems like a "never-ending story". However, in August 2022 it was time to open the doors to begin the formation process with new candidates.

Roberto, who was to be the first formator of the new young men, moved a few weeks before the official opening to continue overseeing the remodeling work. A few days later I was given the news that I was assigned to live in the Dufault house. On August 12, I transferred, and on that same day the candidates arrived.
Finally, the opening of the house and the beginning of the formation process became official with the Eucharistic celebration presided by Father Miguel Diaz, who was visiting our region of Mexico. During the homily, Fr. Miguel mentioned some characteristics of Fr. Willfrid Dufault inviting us to study more his life and follow his example in fraternal life.
The chapel was not yet ready, the candles had just been lit and the vases improvised, but the most important thing was to give thanks to God because we were beginning a work that is a sign of hope for the Assumption in Mexico.

As we commonly say: time flew by; and December arrived, the time for vacations and the beginning of new processes. The small Casa Dufault came to life and is maintained with dynamism among our activities, the apostolate in the parishes of St. Andrew Totoltepec and the Emperatriz de América, the studies of the aspirants in the house, as well as the INTER (Interreligious Institute of Formation).

Subsequently, in February 2023 there were some changes for our region with new pastors, new formators and with that, a new formator in Casa Dufault: Father Sébastien Bangandu. Up to date, we continue with enthusiasm to working for Assumptionist vocations in Mexico and to consolidate a community at the service of the Kingdom.
I like the idea that more than two confreres are involved in making possible the reopening of a formation house. It is an effort that is not done alone, but together, as a community.
While meditating on this event, the question that Fr. d'Alzon asks in the Directory came to my mind: Is Jesus Christ my everything for me? This question helps me to keep in mind our objective: to serve in the formation and maintenance of the house, but, above all, to strive for the growth of the Kingdom of God in us and around us.
Brother Rafael Huerta Ramos, a.a.